Advanced Radio Frequency Skin Tightening and Lifting

mid-20’s and older; tightens sagging lower face, jowls and neck to improve neck angle and rejuvenate the jawline

Aging skin has significantly less elasticity and reduced collagen production causing the inevitable appearance of sagging in areas of the face especially around the mouth, along the lower border of the jaw and under the chin. RFAL (Radio-Frequency Assisted Lipolysis) technology is game-changer when it comes to non-surgical, minimally invasive rejuvenation of these problem areas. By applying radio-frequency generated heat to both the external and internal surface of the skin, RFAL provides tightening and lifting of the skin as well as stimulation of production of new collagen which improves firmness and elasticity. 


If you are looking to improve your appearance without the need for surgery, then RFAL may be your answer.  


Please contact Dr. Champagne to schedule a personalized, confidential consultation with our facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Jason Champagne. During your consultation, Dr. Champagne will address your goals and answer any questions you may have regarding turbinate reduction or any other procedure we offer.