See the Results

What many people don't know is that great plastic surgery a lot of times goes unnoticed. Sometimes we see someone we know and notice how good they look or we see a stranger and think about how great their appearance is yet we might not know what it is exactly.

Now, not everyone can give cosmetic surgery credit for how they look, but those who do and who get it done by an expert, board certified facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Jason Champagne, are able to obtain completely natural looking results that enhance both their appearance and their self-confidence.

Whether it is an adjustment to your hairline with a hairline lowering procedure, a hair transplantation, a facelift or a custom chin or jaw implant, Dr. Champagne and his staff are here to help parallel your outward appearance with how you feel inside.

Check out the Before and After Gallery to see real results and the patients whose lives have changed from their procedures.

Please contact Dr. Jason Champagne to schedule a personalized, confidential consultation. During your consultation, Dr. Champagne will address your goals and answer any questions you may have regarding any procedures we offer.