Improve Your Facial Profile - Chin Implants

A strong chin not only improves the aesthetic of your facial structure and symmetry, but it also helps lay the framework for an overall balanced appearance. A small or retruded chin can cause your nose to appear large or long and your neck angle to seem less defined. This off-balance may cause some individuals to seek out a procedure like rhinoplasty or neck liposuction for a perceived problem that may not even be the root of their insecurities.

Visiting an expert and double board-certified facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Jason Champagne, you can be confident knowing we are able to correctly diagnose and select which procedure is best for you in order to better balance your facial symmetry - one of which is our Chin Implant procedure.

This procedure improves your facial contour and chin profile from the side view, which helps balance your facial structure. A chin implant may also enhance and strengthen your entire jaw angle with an extremely natural look. During a chin implant procedure, for which we highly recommend full customization, Dr. Champagne utilizes the latest in 3-D CT scan technology and computer imaging, allowing him to personally design an implant that fits every curve and crevice of your underlying bone structure. This specialized computer program allows Dr. Champagne to create a blueprint of an implant that can be manipulated in all three dimensions to change the height, width, and depth at any point to achieve your goals. The blueprint is then used to manufacture a one-of-a-kind customized implant that fits your anatomy like a glove and will give you a completely natural-appearing enhancement. 


Custom Chin Implants (very often combined with a Custom Jaw Implant) have an extremely high patient satisfaction rate and can be one of the most significant improvements to a person’s appearance. Patients who will attain the best results are those who have realistic goals and expectations of the procedure. Individuals who undergo custom chin and/or jaw augmentation may also benefit from cheek implants, a facelift, neck lift, neck liposuction and/or fat transfer to the face to correct any volume loss. Rhinoplasty is also a complementary procedure to customized chin augmentation as it can help to balance your facial features.

Please contact our office here in beautiful, world-renowned Beverly Hills, California to schedule a personalized, confidential consultation with our facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Jason Champagne. During your consultation, Dr. Champagne will address your goals and answer any questions you may have regarding chin implants, customized or not, or any other procedure we offer.