How To Get Thick, Full Eyebrows - Champagne Brows® by Dr. Jason Champagne

Champagne Brows® is the eyebrow hair transplantation procedure favored by celebs and those looking to get fuller, thicker eyebrows. A lot of our patients unfortunately went through the trend of plucking their eyebrows to a thin, manicured look, but now, with the trend back to full, natural looking brows, they often wonder what they can do to regain the brows they once had. With our Champagne Brows® procedure, expert double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Jason Champagne gives his patients back the brows they want by using their own hair.

What Are Champagne Brows®?

Fuller, more shapely eyebrows are currently one of the most desirable attributes of the face, and everyone seems to be seeking ways to improve their brows. Many treatments exist to attempt to simulate the appearance of a perfect brow including eyebrow tattooing and microblading, however, the results tend to fade and never really look natural.

Eyebrows are one of the most important features that set the structure and balance of your face. From wanting fuller eyebrows when you are younger to reversing thinning eyebrows from the aging process in your forties and beyond, Dr. Champagne’s signature Champagne Brows®️ (eyebrow hair transplants) are extremely popular amongst any generation. The hair is your own real hair, and the results last a lifetime.

Through techniques known as Follicular Unit Transfer (FUT) and/or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) which Dr. Champagne utilizes to move individual hairs from an area of greater density on your scalp (and in some cases, from your body) to your eyebrows, Dr. Champagne is able to achieve a completely natural looking fuller, shapelier brow.

Trust The Expert

Dr. Champagne is a world-leader in eyebrow hair transplantation and fully understands the importance of an individualized approach to achieving optimal results. Everyone’s facial structure and eyebrow shapes are different. Because of this, Dr. Champagne will personally design your eyebrows along with your input to achieve the look that you desire.

Dr. Champagne will review your medical history and perform a physical exam. Be prepared to answer questions about current and past medical conditions. Talk about any medications you are currently taking or have taken recently, as well as any surgeries you have had. It is extremely important to tell us if you are allergic to any medications. To determine your treatment options and candidacy for eyebrow hair transplantation, Dr. Champagne will examine areas of your scalp to determine quality, density and texture of your hair as well as the number of grafts that will be required for desirable results. In addition, he will take photographs for your medical record.

During your consultation, Dr. Champagne will discuss with you your reasons for wanting eyebrow hair transplantation and what your expectations are in terms of appearance after the procedure. In addition, Dr. Champagne will review the history of your eyebrows including plucking/tweezing and any noticeable thinning over the years. You will also be able to view approved before and after photos of Dr. Champagne’s patients.

See Champagne Brows® Before and After Photos

Schedule Your Consultation

If you're ready to regain thick, full brows, please contact our office to schedule a personalized, confidential consultation with our expert hair restoration surgeon, Dr. Jason Champagne. During your consultation, Dr. Champagne will address your goals and answer any questions you may have regarding Champagne Brows® - Eyebrow Hair Transplantation or any other procedures we offer.