How to Choose a Facial Cosmetic Surgeon: Tips and Considerations

As the field of facial cosmetic surgery continues to grow, choosing the right surgeon can be a daunting task. However, it's essential to do your research and select a skilled and experienced surgeon to ensure you achieve the results you desire. With that said, here are some tips and considerations to help you choose the right facial cosmetic surgeon:

Check the surgeon's credentials: The first step in choosing a facial cosmetic surgeon is to ensure they are board-certified. Board certification demonstrates that a surgeon has met the highest standards of training, ethics, and expertise in their field. Dr. Jason Champagne is double board-certified in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery and head and neck surgery, demonstrating his extensive training and experience in the field.

Look at before and after photos: Reviewing before and after photos of a surgeon's previous patients can help you gauge their skill and expertise. A good surgeon should have a portfolio of photos that showcase their work and demonstrate their ability to create natural-looking results. Dr. Champagne has a proven track record when it comes to providing his patients with results that enhance their individual and natural features of their face. 

View Before & After Photos Here

Schedule a consultation: Meeting with a surgeon in person is an essential step in choosing the right facial cosmetic surgeon. During your consultation, you should feel comfortable asking questions and discussing your concerns. A good surgeon will take the time to listen to your needs, goals, and concerns, and explain your options thoroughly. Dr. Champagne offers personal and confidential consultations and he uses his expertise to help you decide what procedure may be best for the results you're looking to gain.

Consider the surgeon's experience: It's important to choose a surgeon who has experience performing the specific procedure you're interested in. Dr. Champagne has over a decade of experience in facial cosmetic surgery and has performed thousands of procedures, making him an expert in his field with procedures from the neck up. Beyond that, he has become a world-renowned hair restoration expert, offering his clients an array of procedures to enhance their hairline, the thickness of their hair (head and beard), custom eyebrow hair restoration, and more.

Look for a surgeon who uses the latest technology and techniques: Advances in technology and techniques have revolutionized facial cosmetic surgery. Choosing a surgeon who stays up-to-date on the latest advancements can help you achieve better results and a quicker recovery. Here at the offices of Dr. Jason Champagne, we strive to stay up to date on procedures and the equipment that benefit those procedures, all with the goal of giving our patients the best and most natural looking results as possible.

Consider the surgeon's bedside manner: Making the decision is no small feat, and choosing a surgeon should make you feel comfortable and confident as you develop a natural rapport with them for such a personal event. A good surgeon should be caring, compassionate, and empathetic towards their patients throughout the entire process.

Choosing the right facial cosmetic surgeon is a critical decision that requires careful consideration. By following these tips and considering Dr. Jason Champagne's credentials, experience, and expertise, you can feel confident in your choice and achieve the results you desire. Please contact our office to learn more about facial cosmetic surgery and whether the procedures we offer are right for you.