Don't Like Your Nose? (Or Surgery) - The Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Is Here to Fix That.

Your nose is one of your most prominent and noticed features on your face. Here at the offices of Dr. Jason Champagne, we understand how disliking this feature can affect your confidence and self-awareness in your appearance. But now, our surgical Rhinoplasty procedure isn't the only option for enhancing and refining the look and overall appearance of this notable facial feature. We're happy to offer a non-surgical option to help correct an undesirable nasal appearance like a hump, bump, or uneven shape.

A Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty (or nose job) is the process of making small, specific injections of facial filler, Botox®, or other similar products directly into the nose to help smooth and reshape the nose.

As an expert double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Champagne has perfected certain micro-droplet techniques that allow him to carefully make individual changes to the aesthetic appearance of his patients' noses, giving the desired results without the need of surgery.

Good candidates for this procedure include those who have nasal bridge irregularities, a prominent dorsal hump, and someone not looking to decrease their nasal projection. Candidates also include those who may be looking into revision rhinoplasty procedures. Since this procedure is done with injectable fillers, if you change your mind or feel you want a different look, non-surgical rhinoplasty results are reversible.

Read More About Our Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Procedure

So, no longer will you have to decide whether to go 'under-the-knife' or not if you are unhappy with your nose. The Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty will help you regain your confidence by enhancing the look of your nose in a natural-looking and non-surgical way. 

Please contact our office to schedule a personalized, confidential consultation with our facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Jason Champagne, during which he will address your goals and answer any questions you may have regarding our non-surgical rhinoplasty procedure.