Look 10 To 15 Years Younger - Facelifts With Dr. Champagne

We all age. There is no getting around that. And as we age, our skin naturally loses its elasticity and collagen structure that keeps it looking tight and radiant. Signs of aging are also accelerated by other factors; things like sun exposure, diet, and whether or not you're keeping your skin hydrated, from both the inside and out. That said, cosmetic plastic surgery has come leaps and bounds from what it is often associated with - an unnatural and windswept/frozen look - and Dr. Jason Champagne has perfected a well-known procedure to give you back a more youthful glow, enhancing your natural look: the Facelift.

The Facelift procedure addresses and improves lines and sagging skin of the face including the sides of the mouth and jowls as well as the high neck around the jawline. Dr. Champagne utilizes a natural tissue layer which he elevates under the skin to achieve a refreshed and more youthful look. With this technique, there is no tension placed on the overlying facial skin, and therefore, an operated or “windswept” appearance does not take place. It is perfect for those who are in their 40s or older and are wanting to reinvigorate and tighten up their facial appearance.

With realistic goals and expectations, a Facelift can help you regain your confidence with how you look, take years off your appearance, and you can be back to your regular daily schedule within 2 to 4 weeks.

Read More About Facelifts and Find Out If You're A Good Candidate

If you find yourself looking in the mirror wondering how to reverse those deep facial wrinkles, loose neck skin, and an ever-worsening, undefined jawline, please contact our office to schedule a personalized, confidential consultation with our facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Jason Champagne. During your consultation, Dr. Champagne will address your goals and answer any questions you may have regarding a Facelift or any other procedure we offer.