Dr. Champagne, An Award Winning, Double Board Certified, Celebrity Aesthetic Facial Plastic & Hair Restoration Surgeon, based in Beverly Hills, CA weighs in on Hair Transplantation FAQs.

We asked Professional Hair Restoration Surgeon, Dr. Jason Champagne, M.D., about some of the most frequently asked questions on hair transplants, the procedures, and useful home remedies that anyone can do.

Is a hair transplant the best option for someone experiencing severe male or female pattern baldness or hair loss?

The best candidates for hair transplantation surgery are both men and women with gradual, hereditary hair loss, traumatic hair loss and hair loss due to a medical condition. There are a great variety of balding patterns, hair textures, densities, colors, and scalp laxity, all of which are factors that involve certain modifications in an individual plan to obtain an optimal result. For patients experiencing hair loss, non-surgical hair loss preventative treatments using medications and injection therapy is also recommended.

How does the procedure work?

Dr. Champagne will review your medical history and perform a physical exam. Be prepared to answer questions about current and past medical conditions. Talk about any medications you are currently taking or have taken recently, as well as any surgeries you have had. It is extremely important to tell Dr. Champagne if you are allergic to any medications. To determine your treatment options and candidacy for hair transplantation, Dr. Champagne will examine and measure areas of your scalp to determine the quality, density and texture of your hair as well as the number of grafts that will be required for desirable results.

Through techniques known as Follicular Unit Transfer (FUT) and/or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) which move individual hair follicles from an area of greater density on the back of the scalp to areas that have thinned over time, Dr. Champagne is able to achieve a look that gives your hair improved thickness while appearing completely natural.

During the surgery, the patient is put under local anesthesia before portions of donor-dominant hair is taken and surgically transferred to the balding and thinning parts of the patient’s head. There’s little to no pain felt by the patient.

Downtime following hair transplantation is minimal. In many instances, patients can return to normal light activities and even work after a day or two. Through the normal hair cycle, new hairs begin to grow and are visible after 3 to 4 months following transplantation.

Are there any alternatives for hair restoration?

There are quite a few alternatives to hair restoration surgeries available today. One such treatment is Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy, PRP, which involves injecting platelets extracted from the patient’s blood sample into the scalp.

Laser Light Therapy, LLT, stimulates cell growth by increasing blood flow. When done regularly, it can effectively treat hair loss.

Exosome Therapy reduces inflammation and stimulates hair follicle regeneration, resulting in improved hair development and thickness growth.

Oral and/or topical medications work by blocking certain factors that cause hair loss.

Less effective alternatives would be shampoos, hair growth tablets and a healthy diet. When combined, however, they, too, could assist in minimizing hair loss and reinforcing hair growth.

What are the safest options for hair restoration?

Most of the options are safe. The question would be, “what hair restoration technique is right for you?” Mediations and topical solutions will provide noticeable results if you begin using them in the early stages of hair loss. However, for those with significant hair loss, surgical hair restoration is the only proven way to truly restore your natural hair growth.

What are the least invasive options?

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) or exosome therapy are some of the most effective and proactive non-surgical techniques so far. These techniques, however, are primarily used when hair loss is minimal in the early stages.

What are some other ways to combat hair loss? Maybe natural approaches?

Using a mixture of essential oils like lavender, thyme, cedar & rosemary have demonstrated to be effective in counteracting patchy baldness. Drugs such as Rogaine and Propecia can assist in fighting hair loss.

Though there are a lot of procedures that aim to treat hair loss, they are all very different. Therefore, it is important for individuals struggling with hair loss to make an informed decision. During the consultation, Dr. Champagne will help you decide which treatment combinations are best for you to achieve optimal results.

About Dr. Jason Champagne, M.D.

Dr. Champagne takes great delight in his reputation for delivering results that are fully natural-looking and customized for every patient. Being double board certified in facial plastic surgery and hair restoration adds to his repute.

Clientele, from famous celebrities to industry artists, seek him out for his trademarked procedure, #Champagne Brows, thanks to his experience and artistry. He also provides youth-regenerating facials, hairline reduction surgery, and numerous more non-surgical and surgical cosmetic procedures for the face and scalp.

Jason Champagne