Jaw Implant

16 and older; improves lower facial contour, strengthens jawline and enhances jaw angle, helps balance facial symmetry

Jaw Implant Facial Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills 1

Jaw implants are designed to improve the width of the jaw as well as augment the jawline and angle to help frame the face and distinguish the neck. Standard jaw implants are available in a variety of sizes which Dr. Champagne will discuss with you during your consultation. During your personalized consultation, Dr. Champagne listens to your goals and expectations and utilizes computer imaging to evaluate your facial features to help determine which implant will be best for you to achieve optimal results. In Dr. Champagne’s experience, standard implants must be trimmed or shaved in certain areas intraoperatively to balance with each person’s individual anatomy.

Because of great variability of the jaw bone, in addition to standard jaw implants, Dr. Champagne also offers and highly recommends state-of-the-art customized jaw implants made to fit your jaw anatomy perfectly by using 3-D CT imaging of your own jaw bone. With the use of 3-D CT technology, Dr. Champagne personally designs your customized implant by utilizing a computer program to manipulate the height, width and depth of the implant to meet your specific goals. These dimensions are then used to create a 3-D blueprint of your implant which is then manufactured to the exact specifications resulting in an extremely natural enhancement of your jaw. This can be combined with a customized chin implant to create a completely customized wraparound chin/jaw implant to effectively enhance your entire profile.


  • Someone who has a weak jaw and/or chin seeking to improve and enhance the width, length and/or shape of the jaw and jaw angle or entire chin/jaw structure to bring the face into better harmony

  • Someone who is seeking to correct facial asymmetry resulting from injury or congenital conditions

  • Someone seeking to rejuvenate their facial structure by restoring contour to the jaw and/or chin that has become deficient due to aging

  • Someone who is in good general health, has normal teeth and jaw function and has realistic goals and expectations


Dr. Champagne will review your medical history and perform a physical exam. Be prepared to answer questions about current and past medical conditions. Talk about any medications you are currently taking or have taken recently, as well as any surgeries you have had. It is extremely important to tell us if you are allergic to any medications. To determine your treatment options and candidacy for jaw implants, Dr. Champagne will examine and measure areas of your face to determine overall symmetry and balance. In addition, you will take photographs for your medical record. During your consultation, Dr. Champagne will discuss with you your reasons for wanting jaw augmentation and what your expectations are in terms of appearance after the procedure. Dr. Champagne then uses your photos combined with computer imaging during your consultation to provide you with a simulation of anticipated results.


If you choose to have customized jaw implants created for you, our office staff will be able to assist you in scheduling an appointment to have your CT scan performed. Depending on your age and general health, certain preoperative tests may be necessary. We will discuss these with you and be sure that they are performed prior to undergoing surgery. If you are a smoker, Dr. Champagne will recommend that you stop smoking both before surgery and during your recovery period as smoking decreases blood flow in the skin and can slow the healing process. In addition, smoking increases the risk of tissue damage. By stopping smoking, you will improve your ability to heal and optimize your postoperative results. If you need help quitting smoking, we will be happy to assist you. Certain medications will need to be avoided both before and after surgery such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements, which can increase bleeding. We will provide you with a list of all medications to be avoided. For the day of surgery, you should also make plans for someone to bring you to and from our office or surgical center and stay with you at least the first night afterwards. If a caregiver is not available, or if you prefer to recover in privacy, our office staff will be happy to schedule postoperative care for you with our world-class postoperative care facility.


Both standard and customized jaw implants are placed through incisions inside the mouth. A soft diet is required for the first week after surgery, and sutures placed during surgery will dissolve on their own. Swelling is expected postoperatively. The majority of swelling will resolve over the first three to four weeks, but as with any procedure that results in swelling, final results may not be seen for up to 9 months. Bruising, if it occurs, typically resolves within two weeks. Mild to moderate discomfort can be expected for a day or two and is controlled with prescription medication. Antibiotics are also prescribed for 1 week after surgery. You will most likely be mobile the day of your surgery and should be able to return to normal activity within the first week, but strenuous activity or exercise should be avoided for two full weeks.


Patients who will attain the best results are those who have realistic goals and expectations of the procedure. Individuals who undergo jaw augmentation may also benefit from a chin implant or customized chin/jaw implant combination, cheek implants, facelift, neck lift, neck liposuction and/or fat transfer to the face to correct volume loss. Rhinoplasty is also a complimentary procedure to jaw and/or chin augmentation as it can help to balance your facial features.


Please contact Dr. Jason Champagne to schedule a personalized, confidential consultation with our facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Jason Champagne. During your consultation, Dr. Champagne will address your goals and answer any questions you may have regarding jaw implants, customized chin/jaw implants or any other procedure we offer.