Brow Lift

mid-30’s and older; lifts brow to open eyes, rejuvenates upper face, reduces angry/heavy brow appearance

Browlift Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgery 1

The face tends to age starting from the top traveling downward typically causing lines across the forehead and between the eyes to deepen. As skin and soft tissues lose elasticity, the distance between the eyebrows and eyelashes also shortens. In many cases, the brow, that part of the forehead including the eyebrows and just above them, can cause or add to the tired appearance around the eyes as we age. A browlift may be the perfect solution for you if you have deep lines across your forehead or between your eyes or if you have a heavy, drooping appearance to your forehead. Also known as forehead rejuvenation,  a brow lift will open up the area around the eyes and allow for a more well-rested, brightened and pleasing appearance by softening facial lines and raising the eyebrows. Performing a brow lift through the most advanced, minimally invasive technique using small instruments and cameras, Dr. Champagne can provide you with a more rested, youthful appearance with minimal recovery time.


A good candidate for a brow lift has one or more of the following:

  • Deep furrows between the eyes

  • Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

  • Sagging brows

  • Tissue that hangs down at the outer part of the eyelids

  • Thinner skin

  • Realistic goals and expectations


Dr. Champagne will review your medical history and perform a physical exam. Be prepared to answer questions about current and past medical conditions. Talk about any medications you are currently taking or have taken recently, as well as any surgeries you have had. It is extremely important to tell us if you are allergic to any medications. To determine your treatment options and candidacy for a brow lift, Dr. Champagne will examine and measure areas of your face with your eyes open and closed. In addition, you will take photographs for your medical record. During your consultation, Dr. Champagne will discuss with you your reasons for wanting a brow lift and what your expectations are in terms of appearance after the procedure.


Depending on your age and general health, certain preoperative tests may be necessary. We will discuss these with you and be sure that they are performed prior to undergoing surgery. If you are a smoker, Dr. Champagne will recommend that you stop smoking both before surgery and during your recovery period as smoking decreases blood flow in the skin and can slow the healing process. In addition, smoking increases the risk of tissue damage. By stopping smoking, you will improve your ability to heal and optimize your postoperative results. If you need help quitting smoking, we will be happy to assist you. Certain medications will need to be avoided both before and after surgery such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements, which can increase bleeding. We will provide you with a list of all medications to be avoided. For the day of surgery, you should also make plans for someone to bring you to and from the surgical center and stay with you at least the first night afterwards. If a caregiver is not available, or if you prefer to recover in privacy, our office staff will be happy to schedule postoperative care for you with our world-class postoperative care facility.


The setting and recovery for brow lift depends on whether it is done alone or in conjunction with other procedures such as a facelift. When performed as a standalone procedure, recovery following brow lift varies depending on which approach is selected. The most common approach utilized by Dr. Champagne is the endoscopic approach where a small camera and microinstruments are used. With the delicate nature of this advanced approach, anticipate mild swelling with approximately 7 days of social down time. You will, however, likely be able to return to regular, non-strenuous activity much sooner. After surgery, you will have a bandage wrapped under your chin and around and over the top of your head.  This bandage will be removed by Dr. Champagne when you see him the day after surgery. Small surgical clips placed during surgery at the incisions sites behind the hairline will be removed after 6-7 days. All postoperative visits are with Dr. Champagne and not a nurse or assistant. Other, less common approaches to a brow lift which include mid-brow, pretrichial and coronal are chosen on an individualized basis and the details and expectations of these procedures will be discussed with you during your consultation.


Q: Where are the incisions located for an endoscopic brow lift?
A: An endoscopic browlift requires 5 small incisions hidden within the hair just behind the hairline. Three of these incisions are made above the forehead, and one each are placed in the temple region. The incisions allow access to the forehead and brow region for a small camera and microinstruments used to elevate the brow.

Q: Will my hair be cut or shaved during the browlift procedure?
A: No, your hair will not need to be shaved or cut during the browlift procedure.

Q: How is the elevated brow position maintained after surgery?
A: Small dissolvable devices called endotines which have tiny barbs on their surface are placed under the scalp tissue and used to secure the elevated brow at its new position. The endotines hold the position of the brow until healing is complete at which time your brow will remain in place. Endotines are temporary and completely dissolve over the course of 3-6 months.

Q: Can asymmetric eyebrows be corrected with a browlift?
A: Asymmetric eyebrows are quite common and can be addressed during a browlift procedure to improve upon the symmetry of the eyebrows. Patients should be aware that sometimes, asymmetric eyebrows are due to plucking and shaping irregularities and eyebrow maintenance habits will be discussed during your consultation.

Q: Are browlifts painful?
A: With the endoscopic browlift approach, patients typically report tightness in their brow and forehead rather than pain, and although I prescribe pain medication, most patients do not take them beyond one or two days after surgery if they take them at all. I attribute this to the minimally invasive techniques that I utilize during the procedure.

Q: What is the downtime after a browlift?
A: With the endoscopic browlift approach, social downtime is usually 7 days. Minimal to mild swelling usually resolves over the first week, and bruising, if it occurs, is rare. Small surgical clips used to close the incisions are removed after 6-7 days. Exercise and other strenuous activity should be completely avoided for 2 weeks after surgery.


Those patients who undergo a browlift may also benefit from a lower facelift, blepharoplasty and midface lift or fat transfer procedure. Other complementary procedures include Botox injections and laser skin resurfacing.


Please contact Dr. Jason Champagne to schedule a personalized, confidential consultation with our facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Jason Champagne. During your consultation, Dr. Champagne will address your goals and answer any questions you may have regarding brow lift surgery or any other procedure we offer.