Find New Facial Proportions with Hairline Lowering

The proportions and symmetry of your facial attributes are the most important factors in order to have an aesthetically pleasing appearance. The more proportioned and symmetrical someone's features are, the more attractive they look. This symmetry is affected by many factors including face shape and size of attributes, but one exceptional procedure can help give your face overall balance: hairline lowering.


Having a disproportionately high hairline or large forehead can divert attention from one’s otherwise balanced facial features and weigh heavily on a person’s self-esteem. It can cause lack of confidence and cause people to resort to using very limited hairstyles or always wearing hats in attempts to hide their self-consciousness.

If you are affected by a high hairline, as many people are especially as they age, there are options to help divert attention from your hairline. Also known as forehead reduction or hairline advancement, a hairline lowering procedure is both very effective and efficient at lowering the height of the hairline by surgically removing a portion of the forehead to bring forward the hairline. Unfortunately, many people who have a high hairline are unaware that a procedure exists for both women and men that reduces the size of the forehead and effectively gives them a more balanced facial appearance.

As one of the world’s leading experts in the hairline lowering procedure, and as a double board-certified surgeon in facial plastic surgery, Dr. Jason Champagne has performed the operation on patients from all around the globe. He has co-authored a book chapter and has written published articles on the subject and truly enjoys seeing the instant gratification this procedure can bring to patients. 

Read More about Hairline Lowering

If you're looking to bring improved harmony and symmetry to your face and create a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance, contact our office to schedule a personalized, confidential consultation with our expert facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Jason Champagne. During your consultation, Dr. Champagne will address your goals and answer any questions you may have regarding hairline lowering or any other procedure we offer.