Fat Transfer - An Alternative to Dr. Champagne's In-Office Customized Facial Contouring Procedure

Expert, double-board certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Jason Champagne performs his Custom Facial Contouring Filler injections quite frequently in his Beverly Hills office.  Although the FDA approved fillers that he uses have a remarkably safe history, some individuals like to explore other options to smooth and plump areas in their face to give them a completely natural-looking appearance. 

Because of this, Dr. Champagne also offers a Fat Transfer procedure as another great alternative to refresh your face. Instead of injectable fillers, your own body fat can be used to smooth and plump areas of the face giving you a refreshed and rejuvenated look.

During a Fat Transfer, Dr. Champagne removes body fat from the abdomen and/or hips and transfers it to areas that have lost volume over time such as the cheeks and temples. It can also be used to combat thin lips or lips that have lost volume over time as well as fill in deep wrinkles and depressions around the mouth and eyes. 

This procedure is typically performed in conjunction with other procedures such as a lower facelift, blepharoplasty, browliftmidface lift, and laser skin resurfacing procedure but can certainly be performed as a standalone procedure.

Read More about Fat Transfers

So if you are looking to explore other options to help reduce the appearance of mild to moderate facial lines and give your face a smoother appearance, please contact our office to schedule a personalized, confidential consultation with our board certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Jason Champagne, where he will address your goals and answer any questions you may have regarding Fat Transfer or any of its other complimentary procedures.