Benefits of a Balanced Face

Facial symmetry works both left to right and also top to bottom. More aesthetically pleasing faces tend to have more evenly distributed facial attributes. One attribute that can greatly affect the overall balance of your face is how large your forehead looks in relation to the rest of your face. If you've struggled with a disproportionately high hairline or large forehead, which can, unfortunately, make you appear aged and as though you are losing hair, you may benefit from a Hairline Lowering procedure.

Also known as a Forehead Reduction or Hairline Advancement, a Hairline Lowering procedure lowers the level of your hairline and brings it closer to your brow. During this procedure, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Jason Champagne, makes a strategically-placed incision at the hairline above the brows and removes a portion of the forehead in order to advance the hairline and shorten the distance to the brow. Doing so gives your face a more balanced aesthetic.

As one of the world’s leading experts in the hairline lowering procedure, Dr. Champagne has performed the operation on patients from around the globe. He has co-authored a book chapter on the subject and truly enjoys seeing the instant gratification this procedure can bring to patients.


Perfect candidates for this procedure include women with a naturally high hairline or large forehead who otherwise have thick hair and no personal or familial history of hair loss. Men with a high hairline or large forehead can also be good candidates for hairline lowering surgery if they have a thick hairline and no personal or family history of hair loss. If they don't, a Hair Transplantation may be a better, alternative option. Good scalp laxity is important, and therefore, a detailed consultation with Dr. Champagne is necessary.

Please contact our office to schedule a personalized, confidential consultation with our expert hair restoration surgeon, Dr. Jason Champagne. During your consultation, Dr. Champagne will address your goals and answer any questions you may have regarding Hairline Lowering or any other procedure we offer.